What we offer
What We Offer

Continues Flight Auger piles (CFA)
Continuous flight auger piles are constructed by injecting concrete through the hollow stem of the auger,

Auger Cast Piles
A rotary rig creates the pile, by removing the soil in sections, each section is approximately a meter deep, until the design depth has been reached.

Retaining Wall System
RE offers a variety of bored piles for temporary and permanent support for basement excavations if required. The most common methods used for this type of system are secant piles and contiguous piles.

Infrastructure development
After practicing piling foundation for a number of years RE has decided to open the structural department, where we build and refurbish houses, warehouses and high-rise buildings.

Highline and underground Cable construction
Just recently RE starting working intensively with The General Electircal Company of Libya (GECOL), and started constructing electrical transmission lines upto 380 kv and 245 undergond cables.

Design Works
Rowad Elmemar is equipped with a fleet of architecture, structural and geotechnical engineers and are capable of completing major design works, our design services include:

Driven Piles
Depending on the type of section of the piles, RE has the capability of driving the pile using a vibratory system which allows the pile to reach its required depth by vibration.

Soil Improvement
Due to the need of development and expansion, In 2009 RE formed a soil improvement department which is one of its kind in Libya.

Pile Testing
Load testing is very important, it is used to verify predicted design value and settlement under pressure or to prove the maximum capacity of piles.